It’s only January 3 & my knees already hurt

Patello-Femoral Pain Kinesio Tape

New Year’s Resolutions often involve starting or increasing your workout routine. Sometimes we go a little too hard, too fast and end up with knee pain. Here’s how to get moving again, FAST!

You Are NOT a Machine

Parts of Automobile Engine

Contrary to common analogy, you are not a machine. Humans can do amazing things when the sum of their parts work together doing great things.

February is Heart Health Month

February is American Heart Month

Did you know that people who have close relationships at home, work, or in their community tend to be healthier and live longer? Here are some how-to tips, and resources to inspire you to join with others, even if you can’t be physically together, to improve your heart health.

Time to Make New Habits…Not Resolutions

2021 Happy New Year

As you celebrate New Year’s, do you make resolutions that you stick with for the first 2-weeks, then throw by the wayside as life gets busier? In 2021, maybe you can take the time to make new, successful habits, not failing resolutions.

But talk is cheap. We all need ACTION.

Rethink Your Back Pain

Are you one of the16-million adults in the United States that is suffering with lower back pain?

If so, this article is to help you think about your back pain in a new way.

Four Tips to Help You Stay Independent this 4th of July

Man with Fireworks on Independence Day

With more of you preferring to stay in familiar surroundings, to stay at your current home, and to “age in place,” it becomes paramount that you declare that you will stay independent. But a statement of your goal to stay independent is just the beginning.

Has COVID-19 given you knots your neck?

Those of us who have the ability to work from home will likely continue to do that in some way or another. But we need to consider the stresses on your neck with these new work-spaces.