How to Lose Your Inhibitions

Losing your inhibitions- Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition

What if your inhibitions hold you back from making continual improvements?

You might be surprised to find out that your movements and abilities are not always what you think they are…especially if you have ever experienced an injury.

Exercising in Futility?

feel like sometimes you are exercising in futility?

Do feel like sometimes you are exercising in futility?

Like no matter what you do with your exercises, you stay the same?

The real question to ask is not “What exercises should you do?,” but rather to ask, “What are my goals for exercise?”

How to Swim Faster than the Person Next to You

Swimming Faster

Are you trying to fix your swimming stroke mechanics to swim faster? Are you avoiding a certain stroke because of pain in your shoulder? You might be surprised to learn that swimming faster than the person next to you could be as simple as changing your perception. It can fix your swimming and make you faster!

Four Tips to Help You Stay Independent this 4th of July

Man with Fireworks on Independence Day

With more of you preferring to stay in familiar surroundings, to stay at your current home, and to “age in place,” it becomes paramount that you declare that you will stay independent. But a statement of your goal to stay independent is just the beginning.