The Power of Small Changes to Introduce Big Effects!

Small changes Big Effects, ships rudder steers

Let’s face the facts…most people do not like change of any kind. Change can be daunting, especially when making drastic changes for our health.

Have you been told by your doctor that you have to exercise more, lose weight, and cut out sugar? What about getting more sleep? Reading more books, reducing your screen time? These are great advice for almost all of us…

Exercising in Futility?

feel like sometimes you are exercising in futility?

Do feel like sometimes you are exercising in futility?

Like no matter what you do with your exercises, you stay the same?

The real question to ask is not “What exercises should you do?,” but rather to ask, “What are my goals for exercise?”

How Much is Too Much?

How much wieght to lift

What are your exercises goals?
How hard should you work out?
How much weight should you lift?
Get an idea of how to start off right this year with your workout goals.