Cervicogenic Headache

man with headache

Have you ever noticed that when you have bouts of neck pain you also have a headache? You are not alone. One of the most common symptoms with neck pain is headaches! Why is this?
It is a complicated answer…

Whiplash – It’s not just from car accidents

Whiplash it's not just from car accidents

Have you ever heard of someone having neck pain after a car accident or a sports injury? One of the common causes of neck pain after those events is whiplash. Whiplash is the quick acceleration-deceleration movement of the neck…

What Have You Gotten Used To?

What have you gotten used to

Over the past two years we have come to expect a “new normal.” Unfortunately, the “new normal” might have tricked us into thinking that having pain or putting up with discomfort is normal. Recently, I had two friends who have seen up close what they have gotten used to during the past two years.

Has COVID-19 given you knots your neck?

Those of us who have the ability to work from home will likely continue to do that in some way or another. But we need to consider the stresses on your neck with these new work-spaces.

Is the weight of COVID-19 hurting your back?

In the wake of the COVID-19 social-distancing edict, many employers have opted for telework options for their employees.

For the others who have been furloughed or laid off, the stresses mount even more.